need to concatenate field



Hi, I need to concatenate a field, and sum another field, grouping the
first field.

Acct legalDescrip acres

77 Parcel-1Text 10
77 Parcel-2Text 20
77 Parcel-3Text 5
80 Parcel-1Text 11
86 Parcel-1Text 12
86 Parcel-2Text 12

The result I need:

Acct legalDescrip acres

77 Parcel-1Text;Parcel-2Text;Parcel3Text 35
80 Parcel-1Text 5
86 Parcel-1Text;Parcel-2Text 24

For some records, the total of the LegalDescriptions will exceed 255
characters, but thats ok to truncate at 255.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Marshall Barton

Hi, I need to concatenate a field, and sum another field, grouping the
first field.

Acct legalDescrip acres

77 Parcel-1Text 10
77 Parcel-2Text 20
77 Parcel-3Text 5
80 Parcel-1Text 11
86 Parcel-1Text 12
86 Parcel-2Text 12

The result I need:

Acct legalDescrip acres

77 Parcel-1Text;Parcel-2Text;Parcel3Text 35
80 Parcel-1Text 5
86 Parcel-1Text;Parcel-2Text 24

For some records, the total of the LegalDescriptions will exceed 255
characters, but thats ok to truncate at 255.

Using the function at: Function To Concatenate Child Records'

Concatenate("SELECT legalDescrip
FROM thetable
WHERE Acct = '" & Acct & "' ", ";") As D,
Sum(Acres) As TotalAcres
FROM thetable


Using the function at: Function To Concatenate Child Records'

Concatenate("SELECT legalDescrip
FROM thetable
WHERE Acct = '" & Acct & "' ", ";") As D,
Sum(Acres) As TotalAcres
FROM thetable

Thanks Duane, Marshall. Seems to work fine. I had seen some prev
postings from Duane Hookom regarding this, but must have missed where
to download it.

Just a side question, out of curiousity, I would have thought it was
not good to use 'concatenate', since there is built in concatenate

Again, thanks

Duane Hookom

"there is built in concatenate function" I wasn't aware there was such a
function in VBA.

The function might have been better named DConcatenate() or similar.


I'm probably using wrong terminology; I guess maybe "&" or "+" means
"to concatenate". Or maybe I was thinking of an excel function.

In any case, it works fine, thanks.

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