Because of the variable naming requirement for the PDF files, this will
not be easy with a macro, and you will be better to use a VBA procedure
to do the "work", typing it as a Function rather than a Sub, and then
use a RunCode action in your macro to run the function.
In the design view of each report, go to the File|PageSetup menu, and
select Specific Printer and nominate your PDF driver. Most PDF writers
allow the option to specify a predetermined file name for the PDF output
file. I would assume the Adobe one provides for this. I think the best
approach is to output the PDF for each report, one at a time, and then
rename the file. Something like this...
Public Function PrintPDF()
Dim OutputFileName As String
Dim SaveFileName As String
Dim ReportName As String
OutputFileName = "G:\XXXXfolder\PreDetermined.pdf"
ReportName = "FirstReport"
DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName
SaveFileName = "G:\XXXXfolder\" & ReportName &
Format(Date,"mmddyyyy") & ".pdf"
Name OutputFileName As SaveFileName
ReportName = "SecondReport"
DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName
SaveFileName = "G:\XXXXfolder\" & ReportName &
Format(Date,"mmddyyyy") & ".pdf"
Name OutputFileName As SaveFileName
ReportName = "ThirdReport"
DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName
SaveFileName = "G:\XXXXfolder\" & ReportName &
Format(Date,"mmddyyyy") & ".pdf"
Name OutputFileName As SaveFileName
End Function