Looking for a template to track historical artifact for historical society.
Items such as 2D and 3D artifacts, pictures, books, insturments of trade etc.
The following fields are needed:
Accession # (year/classification/subclassification)
Date received
Storage Location
Display Location
Condition (new/used/old)
Value ($)
Donor info: Name/Address/City/Zip Code/Phone #
General information @8 lines
Reports: by Accession #, by Storage location, by Display location, and by
Database could be updated as needed ex. new reports, new fields etc.
Items such as 2D and 3D artifacts, pictures, books, insturments of trade etc.
The following fields are needed:
Accession # (year/classification/subclassification)
Date received
Storage Location
Display Location
Condition (new/used/old)
Value ($)
Donor info: Name/Address/City/Zip Code/Phone #
General information @8 lines
Reports: by Accession #, by Storage location, by Display location, and by
Database could be updated as needed ex. new reports, new fields etc.