. . . What book(s) are best for
someone who knows the menu
and icon driven stuph but needs
to learn the programming end?
For the absolute novice stuff that you already know, Microsoft Press' Access
2003 Step by Step is a good one. I can't remember how much it covers VBA
code (not much, if any, though, would be a good guess).
Two good next-step sources are: Microsoft Access 2003 - Inside Out, by John
Viescas, published by Microsoft Press and Special Edition -- Using Access
<version>, by Roger Jennings, published by Que.
All the experienced Access developers that I know swear by (not at) the
appropriate edition of "Access <version> Developer's Handbook" by Litwin,
Getz, et al., published by Sybex. Note that, if you have Access 2003, you
must needs use the Access 2002 edition for because there isn't an edition
for Access 2003. I recently spoke with one of the authors and he says that
he is hoping the publisher is going to print a revised edition for the next
release of Access.
Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP