Need someone to look at this code line for me

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ayo
  • Start date Start date


I am getting a #Name? error and I have looked at this line so many times
over and I can't find anything that is remotely close to being or generating
an error like #NAME?.
I need someone else to take a look at this for me and see if they can find
the error.


c.Offset(0, 4) = Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT(--('BO Download'!$A$" & startRow &
":$A$" & endRow & "=" & marketName & "),--('BO Download'!$E$" & startRow &
":$E$" & endRow & "=C" & c.Row & ")," & _
"--('BO Download'!$G$" & startRow &
":$G$" & endRow & "<>""""),--('BO Download'!$H$" & startRow & ":$H$" & endRow
& "=""A""))")
That might depend on what's in the variable marketName.
If it's astring then you might need to change
& marketName &
& """"marketName"""" &
marketNAme is a string variable. I tried your suggestion & """"marketName""""
but that that only created a compile error