need some help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



everytime i turn my computer on it comes up with a question mark and saying
system alert too much spyware on my computer on the tool bar next to the time
i have a virus scanner and spybot on my computer someone please


1. Download adaware SE personal and spybot S&D from
2. Install them and update them.
3. Right click on My Computer, select properties and then System Restore.
Turn System Restore off.
4. reboot into the safe mode (tap F8 while the machine boots up)
5. Run Spybot and Adaware and let them fix everything they find.
6. Reboot normally and turn system restore back on.

Loren Pechtel

everytime i turn my computer on it comes up with a question mark and saying
system alert too much spyware on my computer on the tool bar next to the time
i have a virus scanner and spybot on my computer someone please

That "alert" is almost certainly coming from something trying to sell
you a bogus anti-spyware tool.

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