Need some comments on current table setup

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lorenzo
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Hello Everyone,

I have a database that I use to keep track of Reservations for my rental
Agency. The application so far has worked as planned but I am not sure if I
have done things correctly. I really need to understand if I have made some
planning mistakes that will bring the application in the future to don't
work properly.

It is a medium-complex database with a core part that I need to be 100% sure
it is well done since mistakes here will cause the entire appl to fall
There application has a main form that handles reservation. The mainForm is
made of one frmReservation and three subForms related only to the mainForm
and not to each other.

this is the core part:

IDReservation, intReservationNumber, dteReservation, ....., IDClient,
IDApartment, IDAgency the reservation has a Client, an Apartment, etc.

tblInvoices ' the table for invoices is very crucial since a Reservation
can have multiple invoices: one for deposit, one for balance...
IDInvoice, intInvoiceNumber, dteInvoiceDate, curAmount,.....IDReservation *

* !!! IMPORTANT !!! I have included IDReservation here in tblInvoices so I
have multiple Invoices for that Reservation but, is this correct?, is this
the right way to do it? In the relationships I have applied the Referential
Integrity plus checked the two options Cascade update and delete Related
Fields between tblReservation and tblInvoices. This because I want to
update/delete the invoice/invoices whenever I delete that Reservation.
The type of JOIN I have used is the OUTER since I can really select all the
records from both tables.

tblCleanings ' This is another crucial table in my appl
IDCleaning, intCleaningNumber, dteDateCleaning, ....., IDReservation

Here again I need to have multiple cleaning services for that one
Reservation but here for example I might also have cleanings not related to
any Reservation maybe just because a cleaning can be just for maintenance/
other. In fact in my app, from this table, has another Form independent
from this mainReservationForm to add cleaning services. To achieve this
result I have applied again the Referential Integrity and the Cascade update
and delete Related Fields but the type of Join here is a RIGHT-OUTER JOIN so
I can still have cleaning services not related to any Reservation but I can
still delete those cleaning services correlated to a Reservation. We may
apply the same rule to the above case for invoices, I might have in the
future to relate an invoice to other then Reservations, correct?

idExtra, blnLateCheckIn, blnCellularPhoneRent, blnotherService

Here I only need one correlated field since only one set of services is
bounded to that Reservation

Ok the frmReservation (the mainForm holding the 3 subForms) is generated by
the following:

qryReservation that is based on tblReservation plus the join with tblClients
and other tables such as tblApartments, tblAgencies...etc. From those
tables I only retrieve the values I need to address a client, an apartment,
an Agency to that Reservation.

The first subForm is generated by tblInvoices. Here I can add/delete as
many invoices for that IDReservation.
The second subForm generated by tblCleanings and functions same as above.
The third by tblExtras

On a testing database this works fine but I ask you if this is formally
correct or there is another method to achieve this.
With this scenario will I encounter problems or it is correct and I should
keep working on like this?

If I am doing something completely wrong please point it out to me so I can
start working in the right direction. I am thinking of many-to-many
relationships ... Am I in one of those cases? Do I need to create a
"Junction Table". If I do please let me know where to find tutorials on
this. I am not too familiar with it.

Thanks for all your precious help.
Your relationships look the way they should be, just one comment to add
consistency, create a generic reservation for those services that are not
related to customer reservations, for example call this reservation "Cleaning
Services", if you need to control days, you may want to create one daily
reservation for this,
Hello Jl5000,
thanks for your help. I need to tell you that I also have the reservation
incrementing sequentially so that I have RES01, RES02, RES03 etc...
How do I follow your suggestion not screwing up the sequence of
reservations?. If I have got your point to preserve consistency you suggest
to fill the reservation table with dummy data for cleanings/invoices for
example not relared to a reservation is that correct?

I have designed the database so that from the mainForm I add one reservation
and automatically it also fires the counter for new Cleanings and new
Invoices (and here again I can add as many services/invoices I need to that
Reservation). This is what happens, I click new Reservation and I also I
get new Cleanings and new Invoices in my mainForm.

Is this also correct?
Your "dummy" data for cleanings/invoices could be called no charge invoices,

I believe your second statement to be correct