Need some Answers about DFS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve D.
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Steve D.

Our company is considering emplementing a Distributed File
Systems on our network. Has anyone setup and administered
this? Is it worth it? Does anybody recommend this? I know
what the pros are. What are the cons? Several months ago
we were hit with the "klez" virus. This virus spreads via
shares. I am really worried about this being a possible
real problem with DFS if this kind of virus ran rampant
again. Any help is greatly appreciated.
DFS works very well if implemented correctly. It does not introduce any new
shares on the network (it can actually help you minimize the number) except
for the DFS root share itself.
Are there any good third party tools to manage and maintain DFS? The
standard windows tools are too primitive for managing 1000+ links.
Have you tried using Dfsutil.exe and the DfsGui?

Arif Saifee [MSFT]

PS: Please post DFS related queries in the newsgroup
"microsoft.public.win2000.file_system". Please use "DFS" in the subject to
make it immediately noticeable.

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