need some advices/ideas




I have a problem that i need some ideas or advice on how to solve it.

The problem =>

I have a list of products, qty & their unique id. I need to find the
for each product & display the result on a summary worksheet.

I have my raw data containing product information & unique id on
worksheet "raw".
On the summary page, i have set 2 cells with validation list of the
product name & month.
I want to allow the user to be able to choose the product thery want
to & then display the
product information & their sum.

I have 25 different products with a few products having different

Do i list all the 25 different products in the summary page & fixed
the cell so that for each different product , i have a macro that
will calculate the sum & output to the corresponding
cell on the summary page?

Then if in the future, i need to add im new products, i will need to
create new macro for the new
products, is there some way which i can automate this so that i have a
general macro to calculate the total for different product base on the
2 cells with validation list & then write the
answer back to the correct corresponding cell?

Thank you for reading

I can do it manually but i would like to automate it as more new
products will be added in the

Bob Phillips

The best way IMO would be to have a formula that creates a list of unique
products from the raw data sheet, and then create data validation in the
summary sheet linking back to the product list. Months you can create a
simple 12 item list.

To get the sums, you can then use a formula like

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Raw data'!$A$2:$A$200=C2),--(TEXT('Raw
data'!$B$2:$B$200,"mmm")=D2),'Raw data'!$C$2:$C$200)

where on Raw data column A is the product, B the date, C the amount, and C2
is the product dropdown, D2 is the month dropdown. C2 and D2 can be extended
down, as can the formula.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Hi Bob

Thank you for your reply.

I have simplifed my problem,so i will be more detailed here.

I have raw information for 12 months in the worksheet "raw".
I have written a marco to split the data into the respective months,
so i have 12 worksheets for each month
containing raw information for that month.

I have created a summary worksheet with 3 cells with data validation -
month, product, capcity size.

On the summary page below the 3 cells with data validation, i have
listed all the products.
I am doing it manually by summing up a product using autofilter &
subtotal to get the sum
& then write it back to the corresponding cell.

I am looking for some idea/advice so that i can automate the process
such that
i can select the product, size & the month then i can get the sum & it
would be best
if it can auto copy the result into the correct corresponding cell.

for eg,

the 3 cells with data validation, i choose Jan, product a, 2GB
the on the summary page , i have this row => product a , 2GB ,
so i want to automate it such that the sum product a will be written
back to the next cell in this row.

I have all the products listed on the summary page below the 3 cells
with data validation.

I hope this is clear, i' m not sure abt your idea.

Thank you for your reply.Hope you can provide more ideas.

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