(Fitwell, I'm quoting the entirety, this time 'round. Mainly in case there's
something I overlooked, then you can have it still there to include back.)
fitwell said:
Just a quick question re Oscar's - it's now stopped working several
installations ago (a third of this type) re opening at the pertinent
folder. I always now must travel to the folder that has all the file
sto be renamed. At first, it was only the desktop this wouldn't work
I have never gotten used to this first limitation and now for months,
it doesn't even do what it did before (go figure). This would not be
a problem if a file open dialogue box could be opened to put the path
where the files are to rename or to dump the files in via drag 'n drop
but none of these things are present.
I did email the developer more than once and not once received a
My question is: is there any way to go in and fix it so that Oscar's
open up at the right folder. I currently have it associated with all
files via Context Edit but this does not launch the program with the
folder the doct. that launched it was contained in. Fiddling with the
different possible "switches" in Context Edit doesn't change that
fact. Half of Oscar's speed and value has been lost to me for some
time now.
Does anyone think there might be a way to manually overcome this
limitation via some sort of registry fix? I wonder why the
registering doesn't work to begin with.
p.s., I have Win98SE. Cheers!
Hi Fitwell,
I downloaded and looked at Oscar's, and believe I see the problem. It does
a context extension, via a DLL, with a CLSID entry in the registry.
So no matter what switches you try manually with something like Context Edit,
pointing at Oscar's exe, can't expect to get joy that way. You should delete
out anything you've added pointing to that exe.
Then next, register the DLL, or same effect: use the menu option in Oscar
to register the DLL. The result will enter a pair of reg keys, with CLSID,
pointing at that DLL.
.. . . . .
This context menu extension, it's not as you were used to, where you have
an EXE that is what is supporting the input. An example for what you had been
expecting would be in the case of the renamer that I keep on my context menu.
Albert Bertilsson's Renamer.
It does a context menu entry for directories. Pointing at its exe.
@="D:\\SYSUTILS\\FILETOOLS\\REN\\abrenamer\\renamer.exe %0"
.. . . . .
Oscar, on the other hand, it does things by the DLL+CLSID. Also, note that
Oscar's docs said it doesn't support folders for the context starting point,
just files. Its point of entry is for "all files" -- aka HKCR\*
The regkey pair that it automatically creates when you enable it... First,
notice that it's for the "all files" context menu of explorer:
Then, since a CLSID action entry needs a definition, this lands in the
correspondent location, [HKCR\CLSID\...], with a pointer to the file:
.. . . . .
You don't need to read that third part (if it's boring). Just know that
it's a DLL doing things in this kind of case, so you can't do the same kind
of things as with when it's an exe, like point at it via sendto or manually
created context-menu options.
Also, note encore, that Oscar states only supporting "Renamer" as context menu
item for files, not directories. That other util, which I brought up earlier,
Bertilsson's, it's one that supports on the context menu for directores, and
drives too. (Maybe or maybe not for files, that one, can't remember, as I'd
deleted all but one of its context menu entries some time back.)
Any case, I hope the explain is clear? It is sort of a visual thing. I mean,
when you're looking right at such entries, and are used to looking at them,
it's different from just coming in and then reading straight text talk about
them; but maybe you got what I was talking about in any case.