Need ref. to mobile code

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anders Jacobsen
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Anders Jacobsen


Within the next months i am to determine my research topic. I know i want to
look into mobile code. With mobile code iImean code that can travel between
computers over a network. Not PDA applications and soforth.

My general idea is to some how serialize the call stack and send this and
the application over network when user move between computers. This would
enable users to do some work on one computer, move location, and continue
work on antoher with out saving. Does anyone have any idea if this is
somehow possible? If so, do anyone have some keywords I can google out,
articles, or better yet, expirence.

I know i could implement this by implemting some memento pattern which could
record each action the user has taken, but this would complicate programming

Sorry for crossposting so many groups. Did´nt know where to get the answere

Thanks in regards
Anders Jacoben

I think you would need to look into remoting, definitely.

You might also want to look into the ExecutionContext class in .NET 2.0,
if you are using it. It has some information that will be of use to you
when you serialize calls across app domains.

Hope this helps.