Need recommendations-- search-engines that only searches through HTML code.




Any recommendations for search-engines / search-engine utilities that
only searches through HTML code, and returns webpages that contain
specific HTML codes?

Example: I want to find webpages of specific sizes 10K to 99K. The code
in GOOGLE is (page-size)k </font> <nobr>. What HTML code allows
specific numerical ranges?


John Bokma


Any recommendations for search-engines / search-engine utilities that
only searches through HTML code, and returns webpages that contain
specific HTML codes?

grep does this. If you look for something specific, I can write it.

Also note that grep only works locally.

If you want to search on the web for specific HTML, I am not aware of
such an engine and doubt if such an engine exists.

If you know the urls in advance, you can download the page(s) and grep
for the HTML. Of course this can be automated (and I like to write stuff
like that).
Example: I want to find webpages of specific sizes 10K to 99K. The
code in GOOGLE is (page-size)k </font> <nobr>. What HTML code allows
specific numerical ranges?

There is no HTML code to specify numerical ranges.

If you want to use google to find pages in the 10-99K range, you have to
put queries in google, and parse the results for size specifications.

Again, I write stuff like that for a job :-D.

Big Bill


grep does this. If you look for something specific, I can write it.

Also note that grep only works locally.

If you want to search on the web for specific HTML, I am not aware of
such an engine and doubt if such an engine exists.

I wish it did, I've been wanting to use one like that for ages.


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