Home Theatre Guy
Must be able to print Photo Quality pictures to at least A4, but Would
LOVE it to print to A3. Great if it worked with Photo paper as well.
Bonus would be it had paper trays for Both A4 and A3 so you don't have
to change the paper when you want to print Text stuff.
REFillable ink carts would be A HUGE bonus. Please note I am in
Australia, not sure if we chip our stuff here. let me know if the
carts are chiped.
I am leaning towards Canon, but for no real reason
Price rnage well no limit, I will figure out what i realy need and
what price to pay, though its a consumer printer I want, so no
MASSIVELY expensive
LOVE it to print to A3. Great if it worked with Photo paper as well.
Bonus would be it had paper trays for Both A4 and A3 so you don't have
to change the paper when you want to print Text stuff.
REFillable ink carts would be A HUGE bonus. Please note I am in
Australia, not sure if we chip our stuff here. let me know if the
carts are chiped.
I am leaning towards Canon, but for no real reason
Price rnage well no limit, I will figure out what i realy need and
what price to pay, though its a consumer printer I want, so no
MASSIVELY expensive