I checked Abxzone, and the question has been asked but not answered.
For pinout information, you can start with these two links:
http://www.pccables.com/07120.htm AT-EVEREX-INTEL $1.25
1 2 3 4 5 1 3 5 7 9
6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 key
DB-9 ribbon
DB-9 Ribbon
Pin 1 Pin 1
Pin 2 Pin 2
Pin 3 Pin 3 <---- TXD
Pin 4 Pin 4
Pin 5 Pin 5
Pin 6 Pin 6
Pin 7 Pin 7
Pin 8 Pin 8
Pin 9 Pin 9
http://www.pccables.com/07121.htm DTK $1.25
1 2 3 4 5 1 3 5 7 9
6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 key
DB-9 ribbon
DB-9 Ribbon
Pin 1 Pin 1
Pin 2 Pin 3
Pin 3 Pin 5 <---- TXD
Pin 4 Pin 7
Pin 5 Pin 9
Pin 6 Pin 2
Pin 7 Pin 4
Pin 8 Pin 6
Pin 9 Pin 8
You could try connecting one serial port on your motherboard,
to the other. You know where the RX data pin is on the COM1
connector, because the COM1 connector will be standard. Here,
for example, it says pin 2 is RXD on a DB-9.
Pin Signal Equivalent pin on DB-25
----- ------ -----------------------
shell ground 1
1 DCD 8
2 RXD 3
3 TXD 2
4 DTR 20
5 signal ground 7
6 DSR 6
7 RTS 4
8 CTS 5
9 RI 22
In the above two pccable.com web pages, the TXD on COM2 is
either on pin 3 or pin 5 on the Asus 2x5 ribbon header. You
could run a test wire from RXD (pin 2 of the COM1 DB-9) to
those pins, one at a time. Using Hyperterminal, typing into
the COM2 window, should cause characters to show up in the
COM1 window, when the right pair of pins gets connected.
Based on whether pin 3 works or pin 5 works, you'll know
whether the adapter is Everex or DTK respectively.
Here is how a previous poster did his testing:
Since the adapters are cheap, you could also buy one of
each, and test to see which one works.