Need new Video Card

Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Hi there. Currently I have a Intel Pentium 4 (CPU 2.53 GHZ), Compaq07E8H Motherboard, 1 Gig DDR1 Ram, A MAXTOR 6L080L4 (7200RPM) harddrive and a GeForce4 MX 420 Video Card.

I think its time I upgraded my video card, but I have no idea what I should upgrade it to. I was hoping it was possible for a 1 gig on board memory card, but I'm not sure if my mother board would support it, in which case I was wondering if anyone could reccommend what video card I upgrade to.

I'm not sure of my power supply, if you need to know, could you please tell me how I would find this out and I will be sure to get back to you.

Thanks in advace, any help is appreciated! :-)
By computer standards that machine is very old and has an AGP video card slot.

Current cards are pci-e and replaced AGP cards quite some time ago.

My opinion is that it would not be worth upgrading.

AGP cards are proving quite didfficult to find now but if you really wanted to upgrade, here's a suggestion:

6200 AGP 512Mb £33.00

How about a ATI HD 3450 or 3650 ;)

The review is worth a read.

Thank you for your reply =] Do you think this would be suitable for my machine? As its got DDR2 in built memory and my ram is DDR1. Or am I simply getting my wires crossed and does it not matter? Also, if you don't mind (Sorry for the bother) but do you think this card would be suitable for games like Sims 3, SWAT 4, Fallout 3...not the most modern, but up to scratch? I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks again!
Erm, aren't the ATI 3450 and 3650 pci-e cards? :confused:

And Abarb, your first link appears to be a dead end.