Need more Control on form



Hell all,

I got a message:

"Microsoft Access Can't create any more controls on this
form or report.

If you have deleted controls from this form or report in
the past , you may be able to rename the form or report
and then add more controls to it."

I rename the form, but still do not work. I think that I
may need to separate to different forms.

Do you have any seggestion?

Steve Schapel


After renaming the form, try compiling any code and compacting the database.

Otherwise, you might need to make a new blank form, and then copy/paste
all the controls and code from your existing form into the new one, then
delete the old one.

Douglas J. Steele

Try copying the form to another form. Select the form from the database
window, right-click on it and select Copy, then right-click on the database
window itself and select Paste.

If you add and delete a number of controls over the lifetime of the form,
Access doesn't recover the "spots" for those controls. Creating a new copy
should reset the control counter.

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