Need Memo data type to remain Memo

Dec 8, 2010
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Hello - I am fairly new to the access and VB world and i am running into a problem. I have created a database that pulls the raw data from a SharePoint site. There are a couple of sections within the SharePoint site that contain project descriptions and comments. Many of these entries are over 255 characters. The problem that i am having is when i run a query that contains a module to remove characters such as (<div>) from the entry. When this query is run, it turns these fields into text data types and in the final report, these fields are incomplete due to the 255 character limit. Can anyone tell me what code in the module is causing this conversion of the memo data type to a text data type? The code for the module is below:

Option Compare Database
Public Function PrepareForMetaTag(ByVal sString As String) As Variant
Dim result, ResultL, ResultR, sDelimiter, sDelimiter2 As String
Dim iCompare As Long
Dim iPosition, iPosition2 As Integer
iCompare = vbBinaryCompare
result = ""
sDelimiter = "<"
sDelimiter2 = ">"
result = Trim(sString) & " erasethis777"
result = Replace(result, vbCrLf, " ")
If LenB(result) > 5000 Then
result = "String is too long, data not processed"
MsgBox ("String is too long, data not processed")
End If
ResultR = ""
ResultL = ""
iPosition = InStr(1, result, sDelimiter, iCompare)
iPosition2 = InStr(1, result, sDelimiter2, iCompare)
Do While iPosition > 0
ResultL = Left$(result, iPosition - 1)
ResultR = Right$(result, Len(result) - iPosition2)
result = ResultL & " " & ResultR
iPosition = InStr(1, result, sDelimiter, iCompare)
iPosition2 = InStr(1, result, sDelimiter2, iCompare)
result = Replace(result, ". .", ".") ' removes duplicate punctuation
result = Replace(result, "erasethis777", "")
result = Replace(result, " ", " ") ' removes double spacing
result = Replace(result, "&nbsp;", " ") ' removes double spacing
PrepareForMetaTag = Trim(result)
End Function