Need Media Help Please

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bruce
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I posted this to Media Player and Movie Maker newsgroups but got no help.

I made a slideshow of about 50 photos using Movie Maker 2. I then saved it
to My Videos as a WMV file. From there I burned 5 CD's to send to friends.
All have XP and Media Player 9. I checked all CD's before sending them and
they were OK. One person can't play the slideshow. When he tries to play it,
the first photo shows up and then he gets a blue screen in the Media Player.
There must be some setting in the Media Player we are overlooking.

Thanks for any ideas.
The reason you got no response is that the answer is obvious even in your
question. That "one person" has something wrong with his/her computer (bad
installation of WMP9?).
This should be obvious as everyone else can play the files.

Possibly that one person needs to update his version of Media Player??

While performing brain surgery on (him/her)self,