Todd H
Thanks for all the help so far, this forum is great.
I have one other function that I need help with. I have a tblPayments
that stores the actual and projected costs by cost code and billing
period; the billing periods are pulled from a separate
tblBillingPeriod. I have a master/sub form based on tblBillingPeriod/
tblPayments that I need to create function that will add records to
tblPayments based on the codes that match a separate qryBudget.
I haven't done much with loops, but here are the fields we are dealing
qryBudget.CostCode (text that I need to create a tblPayment record for
each record)
CostCode (text); need to match each record in qryBudget
BillingPeriodNo (number); need to match tblPayment.BillingPeriodNo
(master form)
ActualCost (currency); set to 0
ProjectedCost (currency); set to 0
tblBillingPeriod.BillingPeriodNo (this is is the field that I want all
the tblPayment.BillingPeriodNo to equal)
I want to assign this to a command button.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, Todd
I have one other function that I need help with. I have a tblPayments
that stores the actual and projected costs by cost code and billing
period; the billing periods are pulled from a separate
tblBillingPeriod. I have a master/sub form based on tblBillingPeriod/
tblPayments that I need to create function that will add records to
tblPayments based on the codes that match a separate qryBudget.
I haven't done much with loops, but here are the fields we are dealing
qryBudget.CostCode (text that I need to create a tblPayment record for
each record)
CostCode (text); need to match each record in qryBudget
BillingPeriodNo (number); need to match tblPayment.BillingPeriodNo
(master form)
ActualCost (currency); set to 0
ProjectedCost (currency); set to 0
tblBillingPeriod.BillingPeriodNo (this is is the field that I want all
the tblPayment.BillingPeriodNo to equal)
I want to assign this to a command button.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, Todd