Need lightweight custom windows grid

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rajat
  • Start date Start date



I am receiving data from an external source in form of events. The incoming
events are very fast. Initially I was using windows datagrid control to
display the data, but it seems to be very slow.

Please tell me, how can I create my own custom lightweight grid to solve
this issue or point me towards any custom implementation of datagrid.

Thanks & Regards,
I have a similar problem. I am receiving data from the class SerialPort and
want to decode and display the data in rows and colums. I have been
experimenting with listview, but the flickering and time used when I am
andding an item to my listview (detail view) is insane..
To ensure that the performance issue is not coming from my data decoding I
have stripped my SerialPort Data received Event to this:
string[] str = new string[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8","9",
"0123456" };
private void FrameReceived(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
listView1.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate
ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(str);

I have also tried to enable DubleBuffer on the form, but the result is the
Does anyone have any suggestions to alternative controls or know a way to
get flickerfree updating of a listView?
The requirements for the list is:
1. Flickerfree
2. Autoscroll when new frames arrive
3. No need to support edit of data
4. 10 colums of data for each frame
5. Colorcoded frames
6. Selection of item should be possible

Best Regards