Viba Fima
Our web server saves some intermediate information from users' form
submissions on disk files. We would like to improve the disk I/O performance
by switching to a faster disk. We heard about RAM disk and also USB 2.0
keychain disk. Our need is only about 1GB. Does anybody have experience or
recommendation using those kinds of disks to replace the normal disk for web
access through active server pages (ASP)?
Krup Nugent
Our web server saves some intermediate information from users' form
submissions on disk files. We would like to improve the disk I/O performance
by switching to a faster disk. We heard about RAM disk and also USB 2.0
keychain disk. Our need is only about 1GB. Does anybody have experience or
recommendation using those kinds of disks to replace the normal disk for web
access through active server pages (ASP)?
Krup Nugent