Need HelpWith Multi Forms

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I am Creating a data base and I want to make on form with two tabs

Tab one should have customer information in it
tab two will have employee information with porduct information in a sub

I am just having a hard time getting stared, I am not sure where to begin.
Place the main form on the first tab. On the second tab add the product form
with the subform as a subform. Open the main forms properties box, then
click on the products form to view the properties; you should see a
Parent/child link. Note: in order for this to work the primary key on the
customer form must appear on your employee form. This is going to give you
problems because one employee can have many clients. Therefore, Orders
should be associated with the Customer not the employee. I would look at the
Northwind database that comes with the install of Office and/or Access
standalone. This will give you an idea how you should create your tables,
queries, forms etc.