Need help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thomas J. Luicc
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Thomas J. Luicc

I have been told that only a few items need to be checked in START UP.
That is when you select RUN,type in MSCONFIG and go to the start u
I need this information because my screensavers keep turning themselve
on and off
with no mouse movement.I am told this happens because something i
running in the
backround and causing this.Can someone help?
thank you
Tom L
Here's what you can do. Go into Start Up via msconfig, etc. Exapnd the
Startup Item and Command Columns. The information you see may give you a
clue as to what the corresponding software is.

You can also Google the terms from the Startup Item column. Once you know
what some of this software is, you can make a decision whether you really
want it opened at startup.

If you are not sure, use trial and error. Uncheck 1 or 2 boxes and see if
this eliminates the problem. You will not hurt anything. You can always
recheck the boxes and restart.

If it's something you need running, eg anti-viris, that is causing the
problem, then you may have to forgo the screen saver.

If you find the culprit, post another message. Someone may know a

Paul Shafer, MCDST
Thomas said:
I have been told that only a few items need to be checked in START UP.
That is when you select RUN,type in MSCONFIG and go to the start up

What you've been told isn't exactly wrong, but it's very misleading.
Actually Windows itself needs no programs to start automatically. The real
question is what *you* need (or find useful).

Certainly you need security programs starting automatically--firewall,
anti-virus, etc. Beyond that it's pretty much up to you. Here's my standard
reply to this question:

On each program you don't want to start automatically, check its Options to
see if it has the choice not to start. Many can easily and best be stopped
that way. If that doesn't work, run MSCONFIG from the Start | Run line, and
on the Startup tab, uncheck the programs you don't want to start

However, if I were you, I wouldn't do this just for the purpose of running
the minimum number of programs. Despite what many people tell you, you
should be concerned, not with how *many* of these programs you run, but
*which*. Some of them can hurt performance severely, but others have no
effect on performance.

Don't just stop programs from running willy-nilly. What you should do is
determine what each program is, what its value is to you, and what the cost
in performance is of its running all the time. You can get more information
about these with at If you can't
find it there, try google searches and ask about specifics here.

Once you have that information, you can make an intelligent informed
decision about what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of.

I need this information because my screensavers keep turning
themselves on and off
with no mouse movement.I am told this happens because something is
running in the
backround and causing this.Can someone help?
thank you

That *may* be the reason, or it may not. I can't tell by the little
information you've provided. Are you using Windows screensavers or
third-pary ones?

If you want to test that hypothesis, temporarily turn off all autostarting
programs in msconfig (first unplug your permanent ISP connection--dsl or
cable--if you have one, so you don't put yourself at risk) and see if it
fixes the problem. If it does, put them back one at a time until you find
the one that causes the problem.