Hi WeeShawn
Assuming that:
1) there is more than one thing/menu
2) each thing may be on more than one menu
You will need three tables
MenuID (autonumber) Primary Key
MenuName (text) Unique Index
ThingID (autonumber) Primary Key
ThingName (text) Unique Index
ThingPrice (currency)
MenuID (number - long) {combined }
ThingID (number - long) {primary key}
In the relationships window for your DB, create a one to many relationship
between tblMenu and tblMenuDetails using the MenuID fields in each of the two
create a one to many relationship between tblThings and tblMenuDetails using
the ThingID fields in each of the two tables.
It is VERY important that with the table tblMenuDetails, you have a combined
Primary Key comprised of the two fields MenuID and ThingID.
Hope this helps