I am trying to view my notebook from my desktop machine as my first
attempt at using MS RD under XP SP2 (both machines). They are side by
side for this.
I activated RD on both machines. My notebook admin user account (call
it USER1) is marked as having RD access. I also have a password for
this account. My desktop machine also has RD support checked.
At this point my notebook is logged on as USER1.
On my desktop machine I get into the RD Connection dialog and enter in
my notebook's computer name or IP address. The screen goes black, the
RD bar appears on top, and I get the 'Log on to Windows' dialog. I
enter USER1 and it's password.
After hitting enter my notebook logs off user1 and the XP login screen
appears for USER1. My desktop machine is still black. I login to my
notebook again and after a few seconds I get a message on my desktop
Remote Desktop Disconnected
The connection to the remote computer was broken. This may have been
caused by a network error.
Please try connecting to the remote computer again.
OK Help
My desktop machine has been black throughout this until after I receive
the message. Then I return to my Desktop's desktop.
OK. So what am I doing wrong? I previously tried some other RD
programs and never had a problem with them on the same two machines.
Seems MS likes to aggravate me.
attempt at using MS RD under XP SP2 (both machines). They are side by
side for this.
I activated RD on both machines. My notebook admin user account (call
it USER1) is marked as having RD access. I also have a password for
this account. My desktop machine also has RD support checked.
At this point my notebook is logged on as USER1.
On my desktop machine I get into the RD Connection dialog and enter in
my notebook's computer name or IP address. The screen goes black, the
RD bar appears on top, and I get the 'Log on to Windows' dialog. I
enter USER1 and it's password.
After hitting enter my notebook logs off user1 and the XP login screen
appears for USER1. My desktop machine is still black. I login to my
notebook again and after a few seconds I get a message on my desktop
Remote Desktop Disconnected
The connection to the remote computer was broken. This may have been
caused by a network error.
Please try connecting to the remote computer again.
OK Help
My desktop machine has been black throughout this until after I receive
the message. Then I return to my Desktop's desktop.
OK. So what am I doing wrong? I previously tried some other RD
programs and never had a problem with them on the same two machines.
Seems MS likes to aggravate me.