Hello, I'm posting here because no one is replying to post at WMP page. I
have windows XP home SP2. and use WMP 11. I used to beable to put a DVD
movie in my DVD player and WMP 11 would open and I could watch the DVD movie.
And Now I can't watch live streaming web sites that use WMP to see the show.
I can still play my CD music. I don'r know if this started after last
teusdays auto update for WMP 11 at Kb/954154? I can't even watch the DVD now
using realplayer now either. They both used to play my DVD movies. I hope
some one can help me with this softwear problem I have now or whatever it is
thats not working now?
have windows XP home SP2. and use WMP 11. I used to beable to put a DVD
movie in my DVD player and WMP 11 would open and I could watch the DVD movie.
And Now I can't watch live streaming web sites that use WMP to see the show.
I can still play my CD music. I don'r know if this started after last
teusdays auto update for WMP 11 at Kb/954154? I can't even watch the DVD now
using realplayer now either. They both used to play my DVD movies. I hope
some one can help me with this softwear problem I have now or whatever it is
thats not working now?