Need help with wireless computer

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I have a wireless computer...notebook and I have windows vista on it.
I had comcast plugged into it and now that I am mobile again, I am not able
to use the wireless. The computer keeps telling me I am connected; but, I
can't get access to the internet. Can anyone please tell me what to do?
This can happen if you don't have the proper default-gateway set. You'll be
connected, but your packets won't make it out of the house. Go to the
command box (start, run, cmd) and type ipconfig /all. You should see an ip
address and the gateway, along with DNS stuff and so forth. Also check your
wireless settings to be sure you are getting a DHCP address (start, settings,
network connections, right-click the wireless, then highlight TCP/IP and
click Properties in the lower right corner of the dialogue box. "Obtain an
IP address automatically" should be selected). Note that I'm using the
"classic" start menu properties. If you have the Start, All Programs version
going and can't find the above on your own, just right-click the Start button
and change it to Classic to follow this. You can always change it back.

Other troubleshooting hints: bring that command box up and ping your
gateway. If you are getting a connection, you will see something like this:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 3ms, Average = 1ms

If your request times out, you aren't reaching it. That means the problem
can be with your wireless router (if you have DHCP working as in the above


1. Are you only trying to connect from home?
2. If not, then do you have the same problem everywhere?
3. Has this laptop's wireless worked in the past, and was that before Vista?

Lemme know.

Thank you. I will try it and let you know how I did. This happened once
before and I paid 100. to get it working again. It happens when I connect a
cable for internet access and/or linsky...which I never did get to work. I
teach first grade and I put in so many hours at work and am always broke...I
am using the laptop from school right now. I don't like using the school
computer because they track everything. They have now installed cameras in
our classrooms and are giving the public access in a couple of months. The
school system is already watching.
anyway...I appreciate your help and promise to let you know...thanks again!!
ok...i went to the command center and it is saying ipconfig is not recognized
as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

why...i bought the computer with windows vista...
i am going to try your other suggestions and will let you know. faith
Thank YOU...I am finally on...I fixed it through the DHCP...I put in find
address automatically...and turned on settings...thank you. I really
appreciate your help!
can i find you here again???
I'm happy that it worked. I'll continue to check in a few times a week to see
if there's any help I can provide. Cheers!