need help with understanding this little bit of code

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daniel
  • Start date Start date


According to some of the programmers that use to work here and on this code,
it was done in VB and .NET

Can anyone explain what the letter c and the number 1 in this line of code
stand for?

UID = User.Identity.Name.Split("\"c)(1)
According to some of the programmers that use to work here and on this
code, it was done in VB and .NET

Can anyone explain what the letter c and the number 1 in this line of code
stand for?

UID = User.Identity.Name.Split("\"c)(1)

User.Identity.Name will ordinarily return DOMAIN\UserID

The above code is splitting that into an array based on the "\" character,
and then returning the second element in that array (arrays are zero-based
by default)...
so if i understand your reply...

If a user logs in as mydomain\jsmith

Splits it into


So based on that code.. what SHOULD happen to a user that has a numerical
value in there userid?


Reason im asking, is it seems that if a user has a numerical value in there
ID it ignores that number and defaults to anyone else with a similar ID

So the following 2 people exist here


It seems to be ignoring the 2 and defaults to jsmith
So is the letter c in the code looking at just strickly characters? if so
what can we use to take characters and numbers?

"a"c in distinguishes the char type from the string type. Char type
represents any single unicode character (a letter, a digit, + - \ / space,
return, $ % etc.) whilst string is a sequence of many characters (simplifying
string is an array of Char-s).
"\"c represents backslash character. (1) is the second element (because this
is zero-index based array) in the array of strings returned from Split()
function. It shouldn't skip numeric characters. Try

dim result as String() = User.Identity.Name.Split(new Char() { "\"c } )

dim domain as string = result(0)
dim user as string = result(1)

if result.Length > 0 then
domain = result(0)
if result.Length > 1 Then
user = result(1)
end if
end if

With that said.. would there be any reason why the code would be ignoring
users with numerical values in there userid?

Im just trying to figure out if the code is ignoring the number in the id
and defaulting to the first person that meets thefirst part of the name...

jdoe ( Joe Doe )
jdoe2 ( John Doe )

even though the user names are similar everything is unique

When jdoe logs in.... he gets access to jdoe2 data
Hi Daniel,

I think everything is ok with the code you posted. I suspect there's a dodgy
logic before/afterwards. Have you debugged the code so you can confirm
numeric character(s) are truncated. Could you please paste a bigger chunk of
code so we could have a look?

Here is more of the code: ( this is bits of the code.... )
Private Sub GetPrefixInfo()

'Put user code to initialize the page here

Dim occAssocInfo As cAssocInfo = New cAssocInfo()

Dim odsPrefixInfo As dsPrefixData = New dsPrefixData()

Dim selAlpha As Char

'Get Store ID, Employee and Contractor Prefixes

odsPrefixInfo = occAssocInfo.GetPrefix()


Session("iEmpPrefix") = odsPrefixInfo.usp_GetPrefix(0).emp_prefix

Session("iContrPrefix") = odsPrefixInfo.usp_GetPrefix(0).contr_prefix

Session("sBarCodeDir") = odsPrefixInfo.usp_GetPrefix(0).seq_descr

Session("PageID") = "Main"

Session("iStoreID") = iStoreID

Session("UIDType") = UIDType


Function getStoreNumberFromIP()

Dim sIPAddress As String

Dim iSplitID As Integer

sIPAddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")

iSplitID = CInt(sIPAddress.Split("."c)(1))

'Identify all valid store id

If iSplitID < 2 Or iSplitID > 99 Then

iSplitID = 999

End If

Return iSplitID

End Function


'Find the user on the email list


GRSearch.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(mail=" & UID & "*))"

oResults = GRSearch.FindAll()

'Determine if the user is in the group of valid users

For Each oResult In oResults

For iMemCount = 0 To
oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties("memberOf").Count - 1

strMember = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties("memberOf")(iMemCount)

iEqlIdx = strMember.IndexOf("=", 1)

iComIdx = strMember.IndexOf(",", 1)

strGroupName = strMember.Substring(iEqlIdx + 1, (iComIdx - iEqlIdx) - 1)

'Check if the Group is a valid user or not

If strGroupName = GRAdminGroup Then

UIDType = "Admin"

bValid = True

End If

If strGroupName = GRUserGroup Then

UIDType = "User"

bValid = True

End If

'Check if there is a Store Group for the user

If Len(strGroupName) >= 7 Then

If UCase(strGroupName.Substring(0, 5)) = "STORE" Then

'Extract StoreID

If IsNumeric(strGroupName.Substring(5, 2)) Then

iStoreID = CInt(strGroupName.Substring(5, 2))

End If

End If

End If



Catch e1 As Exception

Return False

End Try


This is not in order, but the bits the seem to have to do with the
validating the user...


what about this line?:

GRSearch.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(mail=" & UID & "*))"

Seems wjen the lgon is john, it will apply the logic for any john* (i.e.
john2) My advice would be to debug the original line
UID = User.Identity.Name.Split("\"c)(1)
to see value of the UID just after the statement has been executed. But my
gut feeling is the line i have just pointed out is the source of your issue.

Thank you for the suggestion, i will continue to pester the old programmers
that are still here to see if they know where the original code is so we can
test on another server...
