Here is more of the code: ( this is bits of the code.... )
Private Sub GetPrefixInfo()
'Put user code to initialize the page here
Dim occAssocInfo As cAssocInfo = New cAssocInfo()
Dim odsPrefixInfo As dsPrefixData = New dsPrefixData()
Dim selAlpha As Char
'Get Store ID, Employee and Contractor Prefixes
odsPrefixInfo = occAssocInfo.GetPrefix()
Session("iEmpPrefix") = odsPrefixInfo.usp_GetPrefix(0).emp_prefix
Session("iContrPrefix") = odsPrefixInfo.usp_GetPrefix(0).contr_prefix
Session("sBarCodeDir") = odsPrefixInfo.usp_GetPrefix(0).seq_descr
Session("PageID") = "Main"
Session("iStoreID") = iStoreID
Session("UIDType") = UIDType
Function getStoreNumberFromIP()
Dim sIPAddress As String
Dim iSplitID As Integer
sIPAddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
iSplitID = CInt(sIPAddress.Split("."c)(1))
'Identify all valid store id
If iSplitID < 2 Or iSplitID > 99 Then
iSplitID = 999
End If
Return iSplitID
End Function
'Find the user on the email list
GRSearch.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(mail=" & UID & "*))"
oResults = GRSearch.FindAll()
'Determine if the user is in the group of valid users
For Each oResult In oResults
For iMemCount = 0 To
oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties("memberOf").Count - 1
strMember = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties("memberOf")(iMemCount)
iEqlIdx = strMember.IndexOf("=", 1)
iComIdx = strMember.IndexOf(",", 1)
strGroupName = strMember.Substring(iEqlIdx + 1, (iComIdx - iEqlIdx) - 1)
'Check if the Group is a valid user or not
If strGroupName = GRAdminGroup Then
UIDType = "Admin"
bValid = True
End If
If strGroupName = GRUserGroup Then
UIDType = "User"
bValid = True
End If
'Check if there is a Store Group for the user
If Len(strGroupName) >= 7 Then
If UCase(strGroupName.Substring(0, 5)) = "STORE" Then
'Extract StoreID
If IsNumeric(strGroupName.Substring(5, 2)) Then
iStoreID = CInt(strGroupName.Substring(5, 2))
End If
End If
End If
Catch e1 As Exception
Return False
End Try
This is not in order, but the bits the seem to have to do with the
validating the user...