Tony Girgenti
I tried this select statement:
CusQry = "SELECT DISTINCT C.*, L.item_no " & _
"FROM cust AS C " & _
"JOIN sa_hdr AS H " & _
"ON C.nbr = H.cust_no " & _
"JOIN sa_lin AS L " & _
"ON H.ticket_no = L.hdr_ticket_no " & _
"WHERE L.item_no BETWEEN @StartItem AND @EndItem " & _
"AND H.post_dat BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate " & _
"AND C.zip_cod BETWEEN @StartZipCode AND @EndZipCode " & _
"AND C.cat = @CustCat;"
Set Cusrs = dbs.OpenRecordset(CusQry, dbOpenSnapshot)
When I execute the "SET", I get the error "Error 3131 (Syntax error in FROM
I'm doing this in Microsoft Access 2000 using VBA/DAO programming on linked
tables through ODBC. The tables were populated using COBOL programs and
Pervasive.SQL 2000 file system.
cust is the customer table
sa_hdr is the order header table
sa_lin is the order lines table
@StartItem, @EndItem, @StartDate, @EndDate, @StartZipCode, @EndZipCode &
@CustCat are all variables in my program defined as STRING.
Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.
CusQry = "SELECT DISTINCT C.*, L.item_no " & _
"FROM cust AS C " & _
"JOIN sa_hdr AS H " & _
"ON C.nbr = H.cust_no " & _
"JOIN sa_lin AS L " & _
"ON H.ticket_no = L.hdr_ticket_no " & _
"WHERE L.item_no BETWEEN @StartItem AND @EndItem " & _
"AND H.post_dat BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate " & _
"AND C.zip_cod BETWEEN @StartZipCode AND @EndZipCode " & _
"AND C.cat = @CustCat;"
Set Cusrs = dbs.OpenRecordset(CusQry, dbOpenSnapshot)
When I execute the "SET", I get the error "Error 3131 (Syntax error in FROM
I'm doing this in Microsoft Access 2000 using VBA/DAO programming on linked
tables through ODBC. The tables were populated using COBOL programs and
Pervasive.SQL 2000 file system.
cust is the customer table
sa_hdr is the order header table
sa_lin is the order lines table
@StartItem, @EndItem, @StartDate, @EndDate, @StartZipCode, @EndZipCode &
@CustCat are all variables in my program defined as STRING.
Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.