Need help with saving movie to a DVD

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I have created a movie project in Windows XP Media Center Movie Maker;
however, everytime I try to save it to my computer to create a DVD, it
appears as if it is saving (takes over 30 min.), and once complete I get an
error message telling me a recordable CD drive was not detected. I have a
single slot on my CPU which is for CDs, DVDs, reading and writing, so I
believe it saves to the computer first then copies to the drive. I am using
a blank DVD-RW. I turned off the Nero video filters in the event they were
not compatible with Media Center. I've tried 4 times, and I can't seem to
make this project a movie! Any advice?
You need to save your movie first; as a file on your computer. And then
you use
DVD authoring software such as Nero. You then import it into the software
follow the steps which will author and then burn the software to a blank DVD.
As dickmr said you cannot burn directly to DVD from Movie Maker without a
special plug-in that you can purchase and even then your actually using
another program to do the burning. Even if it did burn directly it would be
either a WMV file or an AVI file which a DVD player wouldn't play anyway.
So the correct steps to take would be to save your movie to your hard drive
as a DV-AVI (if you have enough HD space) and then import it into a DVD
authoring program.
For more info on those I have a short list of the most highly recommended
programs along with links to the author's website's on my website under "DVD
Thanks for your feedback. I was finally successful at saving the file to my
computer...I had to create a "My Movies" folder in C:\ first (I was initially
trying to save to My Videos). I was also successful at saving the movie to
disc via Nero; however, my initial attempt to save to a DVD+RW was not
allowed, and I was instructed to insert a CD. The movie was successfully
burned to a CD, 41 minutes worth of audio, video, and pictures. I am able to
view it via the Media Player on my computer and on our home television via
our DVD player! Thanks!
This was the best advice I have found anywhere. I made a "My Movies" folder,
saved my project to it. Went into Sonic? (A burn program on our pc) went to
copy, did a browse, could not find my video in my Movies. When I try to save
again, it says it already exists. Anyway, I used windows media player, where
it plays my video, and it burned only sound. I would like help knowing why
it only did sound and why it wont burn to DVD-RW. It did burn sound to a
CD-R but no video. I have spent many days working on just trying to transfer
camcorder tapes to DVD so I dont have to keep buying new tapes. How does the
rest of the world store home movies? VHS?
First of all you said "saved my project" did you actually mean that you
saved the movie by clicking "Save to my computer" or "File -> Save Movie
File" or by pressing CTRL+P or did you click File -> Save Project?
If you did the latter then all you did was create a MSWMM file which is only
a project file and means nothing to any software except movie maker. This
means that Sonic didn't find it because it isn't a movie file. You need to
use one of the first options (Save Movie file etc...)
Also it makes no difference what-so-ever if you create a "My Movies" folder
from the C:/ (Root) or if you use the "My Movies" folder that is located in
"My Documents"
Another point is that when using Movie Maker to burn directly to a CD there
are often problems like no video or no audio. It is better, even though the
option is in Movie Maker, to save it to your hard drive and then copy it to
a CD.
If you hit CTRL+P or File -> Save Movie File then follow the save movie
wizard to create either a WMV or preferably for DVD a DV-AVI file then THAT
file should import into Sonic for you with no problem.