So I have maybe an unusual question but here goes, thank you to anyone who
can help me
So part of the database I'm designing is kind of a task scheduler, you can
input data for things that need to be done, search them, when you start up it
tells you what needs to be done for the day etc..
My boss wants to simplify the data entry a little bit but I dont really know
how to do this:
So what he wants is for you to be able to enter a starting date, then a
frequency, then have the database add to the start date for a specified
period of time and make new records until a specified end date..
For example:
Task: Eat Lunch (and other info specific to the task)
Start Date: Sept 28, 2009
End Date Oct 2, 2009
Frequency: Every 2 days
so what he wants to happen is that when you submit this data, the database
will put in a record for sept 28, sept 30, and oct 2 into the table
(table headings are: ItemID, Item, Location, Date Assigned, Date to be
Completed, Comments, etc)
Personally I really dont have any idea how to go about programing this??
does anyone have any ideas??? or links to information on the web that I could
use?? I really appreciate the help.
can help me

So part of the database I'm designing is kind of a task scheduler, you can
input data for things that need to be done, search them, when you start up it
tells you what needs to be done for the day etc..
My boss wants to simplify the data entry a little bit but I dont really know
how to do this:
So what he wants is for you to be able to enter a starting date, then a
frequency, then have the database add to the start date for a specified
period of time and make new records until a specified end date..
For example:
Task: Eat Lunch (and other info specific to the task)
Start Date: Sept 28, 2009
End Date Oct 2, 2009
Frequency: Every 2 days
so what he wants to happen is that when you submit this data, the database
will put in a record for sept 28, sept 30, and oct 2 into the table
(table headings are: ItemID, Item, Location, Date Assigned, Date to be
Completed, Comments, etc)
Personally I really dont have any idea how to go about programing this??
does anyone have any ideas??? or links to information on the web that I could
use?? I really appreciate the help.