Need Help With Pop Up Ad's!

Dec 5, 2009
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I have a popup ad that I can hear but I can't see it I've tried my spyware program as well as my virus program but neither one has worked and if I can't find a better solution I'll have to strip the computer and I will lose all of my scrapbooking stuff.Can anyone help me?!I have WINDOWS XP AND MY SPYWARE PROGRAM IS:SPYBOT SEARCH & DESTROY AND MY VIRUS PROGRAM IS: AVG
When did you first notice the problem?
Had you downloaded a program or been on a dodgy site etc?

Oh and where are my manners, welcome to the forum.:wave:
Welcome to the forum....

Here's a few stepsa you can follow to hopefully sort your problem..

1. Go here and run TrendMicro Housecall. Look at the results and see what that shows. If it picks up anything follow the instructions to remove whatever it is.

2. Go here and download and install Malwarebytes. Once you have installed that, restart in Safe Mode and run Malwarebytes.

3. Once you have done that, get rid of Spybot Search & Destroy and AVG and get yourself a decent AV. Spybot is crap and so is AVG. If you are to use free AV try Avira

Hopefully after that your problem will be sorted. Let us know how you got on..
Sorry I didn't introduce myself and say hello I was desparate to get help last night LOL.So Thank You! for your help!I know where the ads came from my stepdad looks at the bad websites that he doesn't need to be looking at if you understand what I mean and I go off on him he tries to tell us its the games and digital scrapbook kits that me and my mom download but we download from game sites like reflexive arcade,big fish,iwin,& yahoo no where else and my scrapbook kits come from and other reliable sites I'm picky about what I download so I can keep from messing my computer up and as long as my stepdad leaves the bad sites alone our computer doesn't mess up at one point I locked him out of those and only the rest of the family could unlock it but that parental control lock doesn't work with mozilla and I can't find one that is free and as simple as that one is the one I like all you do is click it for child mode and to turn it off you need a password and it works real good wish I could find one like that for mozilla.With my learning disability all the other navigation bar parental controls are hard to use and I have a real hard time learning how to use them.If you know of any that are really simple to use and good at the same time as well as free please let me know(don't have a credit or debit card so can't purchase anything online).I will let you know how things go.
Need More Help!

IT WORKED LOL!NO MORE POP UP'S!YAY ME!But now I can't post anything on my scrapbook forum that I visit daily or MySpace only in the subject box I can't go to my favorite game site on internet explorer because it tells me that the addon's aren't enabled so I go to check and they are enabled now I can download and upload and give details for my uploads but I'm just not able to send personal messages thru the websites or post messages in the forums I can only write in the subject box.Can anyone help me?I'm ready to give up!Your forum is the only one I can actually post messages with no problem thats the strange part.Also what kind of program is STKO2N 2.4?
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Need More Help!

I am using firefox want use anything else only use internet explorer for world winner because it isn't compatible with firefox and it has games on it i love to play that you can't find anywhere else i know i've looked LOL.
FIgured it out!

I figured it out LOL!I had forgot to uninstall AVG when I did everything started working properly so no longer having problems.Thank You!Guys!For all the help you have given me!