Hello again,
I'm restating my problem because the answers I received were not
helpful. I have a Dell laptop with XP Home and while trying to create a
Linux partition the Master Boot Record among other things was damaged.
A lot of my files were not backed up so just reinstalling XP is not an
option. I had a corrupted MBR before on another computer because of a
virus and I was able to get everything fixed, so I'm hoping the same is
possible again this time. The following describes what happened.
- I ran Partition Manager 7. It Listed 3 partitions and one free space;
partiton 1) FAT - 50 MB (contains Dell Utilities)
partiton 2) NTFS - 57 GB (contains all my stuff)
partiton 3) FAT - 3 GB (i think this was leftover data from when I
converted from FAT32 to NTFS)
4) free space, about 50 MB
- tried resizing partition 2 and it failed, so I deleted the contents
of partition 3 figuring I would install Linux there. The contents were
deleted but reformating the partition for Linux failed.
- then i took a one day break, rebooted several times, browsed the net,
downloaded stuff, all was working fine but then it got ugly.
- Opened Windows Partition Manager (don't recall the exact name of the
utility) which listed the same details as Partition Manager i.e. 3
partitions and 1 free space. I then set partition 3, the one whose
contents I had deleted, to "Active".
- Rebooted immediately. Didn't boot, message was "Bad PBR"
- then I ran DISKPART from the XP recovery disk, and deleted partition
- On reboot the message was still "Bad PBR" (i think), so from the
recovery disk I ran FIXMBR.
- On reboot the message was "No bootable devices"
- starting to sweat and panic, I ran DISKPART to create a 10MB
partition inside the free space, figuring the system needs to see 3
- On reboot the message was still "No bootable devices", so I ran
FIXMBR again which before running alerted "This computer appears have a
non-standard or invalid boot-record. FIXMBR may damage your partition
tables if you proceed". I proceeded anyway and FIXMBR said "writing new
- the contents of boot.ini at this time are:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\windows="Microsoft XP Home"
/fast detect /Noexecute=optout
- on reboot i selected to boot from the Dell Recovery and Utilities
option ( partition 1 i assume).
- ran tests for the hard disk and it detected only some bad blocks that
were far away from the start : "block 116233432 - incorrectable data
error or media is write-protected, Continue or abort Test?"
- I didn't abort and continued testing and it uncovered several other
blocks in the same region. (I had run Windows DefragDisk the day before
and there were a few damaged blocks and I figured these were the once
being detected.) I'm surprised the test did't uncover the MBR damage.
- For each damaged block I clicked "Continue testing" and it tested
about ten (the last block number I jotted down was 116236402). Then the
testing froze, I waited 15 minutes and turned off the laptop..
- I rebooted but the recovery disk took about 4 times longer to startup
and displayed "
"The path specified is not valid".
- getting much uglier, I ran CHKDSK, CHKDSK C:, CHKDSK /r, with the
result being in each case: "The specified drive is not valid or there
is no disk in the drive". Tried other things which gave these messages:
- on CD Windows : "path or file specified not valid"
- on reboot: "hard-disk read failure"
- on DISKPART : "setup cannot access this disk" - 57 GB, Disk 0, id 0,
Bus 0
- on FIXBOOT: "cannot find the system drive"
- on MAP: D: \device\cdrom0
- on D:\dir, it listed all the files on the recovery disk...
So that's what happened.
Any suggestions as to what I should do now?
I'm restating my problem because the answers I received were not
helpful. I have a Dell laptop with XP Home and while trying to create a
Linux partition the Master Boot Record among other things was damaged.
A lot of my files were not backed up so just reinstalling XP is not an
option. I had a corrupted MBR before on another computer because of a
virus and I was able to get everything fixed, so I'm hoping the same is
possible again this time. The following describes what happened.
- I ran Partition Manager 7. It Listed 3 partitions and one free space;
partiton 1) FAT - 50 MB (contains Dell Utilities)
partiton 2) NTFS - 57 GB (contains all my stuff)
partiton 3) FAT - 3 GB (i think this was leftover data from when I
converted from FAT32 to NTFS)
4) free space, about 50 MB
- tried resizing partition 2 and it failed, so I deleted the contents
of partition 3 figuring I would install Linux there. The contents were
deleted but reformating the partition for Linux failed.
- then i took a one day break, rebooted several times, browsed the net,
downloaded stuff, all was working fine but then it got ugly.
- Opened Windows Partition Manager (don't recall the exact name of the
utility) which listed the same details as Partition Manager i.e. 3
partitions and 1 free space. I then set partition 3, the one whose
contents I had deleted, to "Active".
- Rebooted immediately. Didn't boot, message was "Bad PBR"
- then I ran DISKPART from the XP recovery disk, and deleted partition
- On reboot the message was still "Bad PBR" (i think), so from the
recovery disk I ran FIXMBR.
- On reboot the message was "No bootable devices"
- starting to sweat and panic, I ran DISKPART to create a 10MB
partition inside the free space, figuring the system needs to see 3
- On reboot the message was still "No bootable devices", so I ran
FIXMBR again which before running alerted "This computer appears have a
non-standard or invalid boot-record. FIXMBR may damage your partition
tables if you proceed". I proceeded anyway and FIXMBR said "writing new
- the contents of boot.ini at this time are:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\windows="Microsoft XP Home"
/fast detect /Noexecute=optout
- on reboot i selected to boot from the Dell Recovery and Utilities
option ( partition 1 i assume).
- ran tests for the hard disk and it detected only some bad blocks that
were far away from the start : "block 116233432 - incorrectable data
error or media is write-protected, Continue or abort Test?"
- I didn't abort and continued testing and it uncovered several other
blocks in the same region. (I had run Windows DefragDisk the day before
and there were a few damaged blocks and I figured these were the once
being detected.) I'm surprised the test did't uncover the MBR damage.
- For each damaged block I clicked "Continue testing" and it tested
about ten (the last block number I jotted down was 116236402). Then the
testing froze, I waited 15 minutes and turned off the laptop..
- I rebooted but the recovery disk took about 4 times longer to startup
and displayed "
"The path specified is not valid".
- getting much uglier, I ran CHKDSK, CHKDSK C:, CHKDSK /r, with the
result being in each case: "The specified drive is not valid or there
is no disk in the drive". Tried other things which gave these messages:
- on CD Windows : "path or file specified not valid"
- on reboot: "hard-disk read failure"
- on DISKPART : "setup cannot access this disk" - 57 GB, Disk 0, id 0,
Bus 0
- on FIXBOOT: "cannot find the system drive"
- on MAP: D: \device\cdrom0
- on D:\dir, it listed all the files on the recovery disk...
So that's what happened.
Any suggestions as to what I should do now?