need help with my keyboard

Oct 27, 2005
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i have a problem with my keyboard. it does not print the characters that is typed. this is the case with special characters

only numbers and alphabets cause no problems. some of the special characters are interchanged while for some of them,

nonexistent characters appear. shift+2 should produce @ but it displays " and vice versa and shift+3 shows the pound symbol.

this has happened for some 3 or 4 special charcters only.
this problem started the last time i reinstalled win2k and i do not have the original drivers so it is using the default

keyboard drivers.
please help. thanx in advance.
theDarklord said:

i have a problem with my keyboard. it does not print the characters that is typed. this is the case with special characters

only numbers and alphabets cause no problems. some of the special characters are interchanged while for some of them,

nonexistent characters appear. shift+2 should produce @ but it displays " and vice versa and shift+3 shows the pound symbol.

this has happened for some 3 or 4 special charcters only.
this problem started the last time i reinstalled win2k and i do not have the original drivers so it is using the default

keyboard drivers.
please help. thanx in advance.
Your keyboard is displaying the correct characters for UK ... Shift + 2 should produce " and NOT @

So what is the keyboard and what country do you live in. Keyboards don't have drivers unless you have 'fancy' multimedia keys.

thanx muckshifter. i didnt know the layout was different for uk and my keyboard does have a few fancy keys.