Dana F. Brewer
Hi, and thanks! I have a table of thousands of names and addresses that I
have to make turn by turn maps from. I am using Access to manage the data
and another program for the turn by turn. I am exporting the records from
access by sorting them by either longitude, latitude (which sometimes gives
me addresses spanning the breadth of the city) or latitude, longitude (which
usually gives me addresses in a linear fashion).
Sometimes there are several addresses on the same street but because of
their lat or long they don't get put onto the same map. Can anyone suggest
an alternate sort that might help me to get all addresses within a square
instead of these weird rectangular patterns? I can't just sort by street
name because the street names in a city are not in any sort of order.
have to make turn by turn maps from. I am using Access to manage the data
and another program for the turn by turn. I am exporting the records from
access by sorting them by either longitude, latitude (which sometimes gives
me addresses spanning the breadth of the city) or latitude, longitude (which
usually gives me addresses in a linear fashion).
Sometimes there are several addresses on the same street but because of
their lat or long they don't get put onto the same map. Can anyone suggest
an alternate sort that might help me to get all addresses within a square
instead of these weird rectangular patterns? I can't just sort by street
name because the street names in a city are not in any sort of order.