No, No, NO! Do NOT cover both holes with black electrical tape.
As you hold the diskette in your hand in the orientation that it goes into
the machine, the hole on the left is the write protect hole. Blocking this
hole enables writing to the diskette. If the little slide is still there,
move it till it blocks the hole. If the slide is missing, then use black
electrical tape to block the hole. There may, or may not, be a hole on the
right side of the diskette. This hole is for an entirely different purpose
.... leave it alone.
joe said:
look in the top corners of the floppy. there is a thingy
on one side that you can slide down to cover one of the
two holes. if the thingy is missing, e.g. there is nothing
to slide up/down, try covering both holes with electrical
tape. cheers.
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