need help with creation of an investment analysis worksheet

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Excel 2002
Scenario: I want to calculate when I begin to make money on an investment.
Invest $10.000, the commission to set up the fund is $900-, thus my starting
point is $9100-. I want to input the current investment balance and see by
percentage if I am making or loosing money. I also want to determine at what
point I offset the cost of the commission and break even.

My math:
initial investment + commission=break even point

current balance / (initial investment + comission)= percent of gain or loss

IF current balance is > or = to Initial Invenstment + commission
THEN PRINT "you have now reached the break even point"
In D1 enter the Initial value:

In C1 enter the sales commision:

In A1 the current value:
=D1-C1 which will show:

Use the rest of column A to record the current value as time goes on.

Finally in B1 enter:
=IF(A1/$D$1<1,A1/$D$1,TEXT(A1/$D$1,"0.00%") & " broke even")
and copy down the column.

Here is a sample of what will may see:

$9,100.00 91.00% $900.00 $10,000.00
$9,282.00 92.82%
$9,467.64 94.68%
$9,656.99 96.57%
$9,850.13 98.50%
$10,047.14 100.47% broke even
$10,248.08 102.48% broke even
$10,453.04 104.53% broke even
$10,662.10 106.62% broke even
$10,875.34 108.75% broke even
$11,092.85 110.93% broke even
$11,314.71 113.15% broke even
$11,541.00 115.41% broke even
$11,771.82 117.72% broke even