I need to count how much "assenze" I have in this query, as cover is a text
field I try to use the IIF as you can see below. BUT It does work! Damn.
Query = "SELECT Sum(IIF(cover = 'NO', 1, 0)) as assenze, SUM(stato) as
daypresidio FROM copertura WHERE day between '11/12/2005' and '11/18/2005'
Group by day ORDER BY day ASC"
Please Help
field I try to use the IIF as you can see below. BUT It does work! Damn.
Query = "SELECT Sum(IIF(cover = 'NO', 1, 0)) as assenze, SUM(stato) as
daypresidio FROM copertura WHERE day between '11/12/2005' and '11/18/2005'
Group by day ORDER BY day ASC"
Please Help