Need help with application architecture

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I'm putting together an architecture for an application. This app will be
web-based and accessed by about 50 users, and deployed on an intranet. I
want to use dot net, but am not certain how to structure the application.
The docs with VS dot net are not particularly helpfull. I gather that a
logical n-tier application is a good choice, but I'm not quite exactly sure
what it is, let alone how to go about creating one. Is there a good source
of information that can not only help me select an architecture, but help me
actually design and create the application?
n-tier means that the archecture is one that the logical
parts of the application have been seperated into distinct
layers which can then be either deployed on one server or
in most cases, over several.

eg, Presentation layer, Business object layer, Data layer

I would suggest taking a look at the "Pet Shop" project.
It is split into various layers.

The following link discusses the architecture and links to
the download page for the source code. This is supposed to
be a best practise way to do things, is very fast and
shows how to implement the major elements of an online
Chris, this is excellent. I've spent hours trying to get the same
information from the msdn. MSDN writers just don't understand the needs of
people like me who are experienced developers, but new to dot net and really
need a "start here - then do this - then do this" type of documentation.