Need help with access - trying to create a school transcript using existing data

Aug 19, 2012
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I am trying to create a form using existing data (student, courses, grades). I have a trasncript template created in word and would like to populate it with student data from a form and subform created in access. I am STUCK and am hoping for some help.


If you know the tables or query that the actual data is in within the Access database, you could use a mail merge in Word with the database as the data source. You can use something like this as a general guide to start with. Let me know if that works for you, or if you need further help with it. Good Luck and welcome to the forums!
I have tried this. The probelm is that I need data from different tables to be brought into the document. I have students, courses, and grades. I need to create a transcript for each student that will list their name, id#, date of birth and then I need to be able to list the courses they have taken, date, and grade. I have created this in access, however, I need to bring the data into a word document so that it can be printed on secure paper.
OK, so now I have the mail merge document working, however, it is creating a page for each class that the student has a grade for.

For example, if Student A, took Chemistry, Science, and Math and they have an A for each class, I am getting a separate page for each class they took. How can I do the mail merge and only create one sheet that lists all the classes Student A took?
The problem with the mail merge is that it wont quite do what you want. The mail merge will do 1 page per record, which will make it a little difficult for you. I'm not necessarily saying it's not possible to merge multiple records into one page of a Word document, but I've never done it. Another possibility you have would be to create a report with a sub report of classes within Access and then print it from there. This will work similarly to creating the form and there are some basic instructions here.
That's what I'm not sure of, because the way a mail merge works it will pull each record (and I'm assuming you have each class in a different record) onto a different page. The only way that I know of that you could have them all come into one sheet is if each class is its own field. Then you would create a merge field for each class field and it would work. That would be generally poor database design if you set it up that way though.
Gah, didn't realise that was a spammer.... lol. Touche averocks...touche...
You can certainly give it a try, it's not something I've done before with something like this. The only time I've worked with a mail merge to a directory is with one record per line, which I don't think will give you the desired result.
I have tried this, but I am still not able to get my desired result. Thank you for your help. Do you have any other suggestions?