Cesar Urquidi
I have an "Equipment" table and an "Issue/Return" table:
l_ Device ID _l_ Device Description _l
l_ Issue/Return ID _l_ Device ID _l_ Issue To _l_ Issue Date _l
I created a form from the "Equipment" table with a subform in the bottom
using the "Issue/Return".
Every time I issue a piece of equipment to somebody, I enter it in the
"Issue/Return" subform.
I want to create a querie using both tables and be able to display only the
latest record of each piece of equipment that I issued, using a formula in
the "Issue Date" field.
Tha formula has to say something like: show only latest issue date from
"device id".
What formula do I need to enter in the querie???
l_ Device ID _l_ Device Description _l
l_ Issue/Return ID _l_ Device ID _l_ Issue To _l_ Issue Date _l
I created a form from the "Equipment" table with a subform in the bottom
using the "Issue/Return".
Every time I issue a piece of equipment to somebody, I enter it in the
"Issue/Return" subform.
I want to create a querie using both tables and be able to display only the
latest record of each piece of equipment that I issued, using a formula in
the "Issue Date" field.
Tha formula has to say something like: show only latest issue date from
"device id".
What formula do I need to enter in the querie???