I'm looping through my dataset and when I find a match I need to update a
second field. However with this code ONLY the last record in the entire
set/table is updated with ALL the records data:
For Each dr As DataRow In dsTags.Tables(0).Rows
If dr("TagID") = tags(i).TagID Then
TagCheck = True
drTags("Count") = drTags("Count") + tags(i).ReadCount
End If
For example, each read of a tag will give me a count of 1 or 2. Usually
just 1. So I should see each records tags count go up by 1 or 2. Instead I
see the last records tag count go up by 30 (of which I'm testing 21 tags).
So ultimately, the last record is getting all the counts itself. I figured
with each loop the value of dr("TagID") is maintained. How can I update
this field then start over? Shouldn't dr("TagID") be the value of each
individual record?
Thanks for any insight!
second field. However with this code ONLY the last record in the entire
set/table is updated with ALL the records data:
For Each dr As DataRow In dsTags.Tables(0).Rows
If dr("TagID") = tags(i).TagID Then
TagCheck = True
drTags("Count") = drTags("Count") + tags(i).ReadCount
End If
For example, each read of a tag will give me a count of 1 or 2. Usually
just 1. So I should see each records tags count go up by 1 or 2. Instead I
see the last records tag count go up by 30 (of which I'm testing 21 tags).
So ultimately, the last record is getting all the counts itself. I figured
with each loop the value of dr("TagID") is maintained. How can I update
this field then start over? Shouldn't dr("TagID") be the value of each
individual record?
Thanks for any insight!