Apologies for posting in this forum, I don't see a more appropriate group...
I'm trying to understand the timeline for Window 2003 ending mainstream
support. I have consulted the MS lifecycle support center for 2K3 and 2K3
R2(http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?p1=3198 and
http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?p1=10394 ) but it is unclear to me
exactly when mainstream support ends. Both say 'Mainstream support will end
two years after the next version of this product is released. Extended
support will end five years after mainstream support ends.'), however it does
not clearly define 'next version of this product'.
Is it Longhorn Server for both or is R2 considered the 'next version' of 2K3
(which would meant that 2K3 support ends in 2008)? The roadmap site didn't
help clarify either:
Thanks for clarification.
I'm trying to understand the timeline for Window 2003 ending mainstream
support. I have consulted the MS lifecycle support center for 2K3 and 2K3
R2(http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?p1=3198 and
http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?p1=10394 ) but it is unclear to me
exactly when mainstream support ends. Both say 'Mainstream support will end
two years after the next version of this product is released. Extended
support will end five years after mainstream support ends.'), however it does
not clearly define 'next version of this product'.
Is it Longhorn Server for both or is R2 considered the 'next version' of 2K3
(which would meant that 2K3 support ends in 2008)? The roadmap site didn't
help clarify either:
Thanks for clarification.