Need help to install Windows XP on new PC

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Just built new pc. Tried to install Windows XP but used "upgrade cd" in
error. I have full product disk but now install procedure loops. Switch on
PC and if no CD in drive then will not proceed past Boot disk prompt. If
re-start pc with either Windows XP disk or upgrade disk in pc goes through
initial install routine (formatting partition, copying files, etc) then get
message PC will reboot in 15 seconds. Then I'm back to square one as it will
not move past the prompt Boot disk. How can Istart again as though nothing
was installed and format new drive to wipe everyhting as I am sure that if I
could get to that point I could use the full product Windows XP disk to get a
proper install?
Snakes said:
Just built new pc. Tried to install Windows XP but used "upgrade cd"
in error. I have full product disk but now install procedure loops.
Switch on PC and if no CD in drive then will not proceed past Boot
disk prompt. If re-start pc with either Windows XP disk or upgrade
disk in pc goes through initial install routine (formatting
partition, copying files, etc) then get message PC will reboot in 15
seconds. Then I'm back to square one as it will not move past the
prompt Boot disk. How can Istart again as though nothing was
installed and format new drive to wipe everyhting as I am sure that
if I could get to that point I could use the full product Windows XP
disk to get a proper install?

Are you "Pressing Any Key" to boot from CD each time? If so - stop that.

Are there any controller (HDD) drivers you need to use the F6 install method
on to allow the rest of the procedure to continue?

After the initial setup and the 15 seconds until it reboots - have you,
during that reboot, changed the boot order where it doesn't try to boot from
CD first - just to see what happens?
Hi Shenan,

I am not getting a "Press Any Key" prompt on start up, and have tried both
pressing the "Enter" key at the end of the process when getting "Your
computer will reboot in 15 seconds" and alternatively just letting it happen
with the same result.

What is the F6 install method to allow the rest of the procedure to continue?

Haven't knowingly changed the boot order. How can I do that?

Download one of the free tools which will allow you to either format the
partition or delete and recreate. You can then try the full cd on an empty
drive. I just reread your post and dont quite understand things. You say if
you try either disk (full cd or upgrade) windows goes through the format and
partition stage. If thats the case you already have started from the
beginning again. Repost with clearer steps you have taken.
