ok i want to sort files to different pages, this is how it is set up
Logon cbourassa YORK tue date/time
Logoff cbourassa YORK tue date/time
Logon cbourassa YORK wed date/time
Logoff cbourassa YORK wed date/time
Logon eleighton BangKOK tue date/time
Logoff eleighton BangKOK tue date/time
Logon eleighton BangKOK wed date/time
Logoff eleighton BangKOK wed date/time
how would i sort them by user name (column b) to there own seprate pag
Logon cbourassa YORK tue date/time
Logoff cbourassa YORK tue date/time
Logon cbourassa YORK wed date/time
Logoff cbourassa YORK wed date/time
Logon eleighton BangKOK tue date/time
Logoff eleighton BangKOK tue date/time
Logon eleighton BangKOK wed date/time
Logoff eleighton BangKOK wed date/time
how would i sort them by user name (column b) to there own seprate pag