I desperately need help in setting up a database to track test scores for
students. I don't want to bore you with details, but should probably give
you some background information.
In Virginia, the state requires that each student pass a certain number of
standardized tests (SOL's) in order to obtain a high school diploma. Before
graduation, each student must pass two English SOL's and must also pass one
math, one science, one social studies, and one "choice" (an additional math,
science, or social studies).
The school has an enrollment of aprox. 700 students. I need to track SOL
scores for each student. SOL's are given in the following categories:
Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, World
History I, World History II, US History, English 11: Reading, and English 11:
For each calendar year, tests are given during three separate test
administrations: summer, spring, and fall. All of the above tests are given
three times per year. If a student fails the first time he/she tests, that
student will have opportunity to retest during each subsequent test
The state mandates that every student enrolled in an SOL class must also
take the corresponding SOL. So, if Jane Doe has already taken her Algebra I
SOL in the Fall 05 test administration, and passed the test (thereby earning
her required math SOL) and then takes Geometry the following year, she must
take the Geometry SOL during the Fall 06 test administration.
My job is to track each student's SOL results, making sure that every
student tests as required, and to be certain that each student is on track
for graduation. I was appointed this position in February. The tracking
method in place when I started this position was via an Excel spreadsheet,
which is very large and hard to use. I think Access is the key to keeping
track of this data, but I don't know anything about Access and I don't know
where to begin.
I know I will need a Student Table with information as it pertains to each
student: ID#, Last, First, MI, Parent Name, Address, etc. What I don't know
is how best to store the test information. Most students test in more than
one subject area during each test administration (with the exception of
summer). For instance, in the S06 test administration, Jane Doe tested in
Algebra I, Earth Science, and World History I.
From what I can understand, I will need a many-to-many relationship in
place, but I don't know whether to try to group all tests together for each
administration in one big table, or if I should make each test session a
seperate table.
As an end result, I would like to be able to run a report that shows every
test a student has taken along with a test score. And just to throw
something else into the mix, I also need to keep track of classroom grade for
each student for each subject. (If Jane Doe passes her Biology SOL, but
failes the class, she will need to take the Biology class a 2nd time, but
won't test in that subject with the rest of her class.) For a student that
is scheduled to graduate in 2008, that student will have potentially taken
SOL's in S08, F07, SU07, S07, F06, SU06, S06, F05, SU05, S05, F04, SU04, and
I know this is a lot to try to follow. I've been doing this since February
and it still boggles my mind. Any help you can give me would be greatly
Thanks in advance!
students. I don't want to bore you with details, but should probably give
you some background information.
In Virginia, the state requires that each student pass a certain number of
standardized tests (SOL's) in order to obtain a high school diploma. Before
graduation, each student must pass two English SOL's and must also pass one
math, one science, one social studies, and one "choice" (an additional math,
science, or social studies).
The school has an enrollment of aprox. 700 students. I need to track SOL
scores for each student. SOL's are given in the following categories:
Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, World
History I, World History II, US History, English 11: Reading, and English 11:
For each calendar year, tests are given during three separate test
administrations: summer, spring, and fall. All of the above tests are given
three times per year. If a student fails the first time he/she tests, that
student will have opportunity to retest during each subsequent test
The state mandates that every student enrolled in an SOL class must also
take the corresponding SOL. So, if Jane Doe has already taken her Algebra I
SOL in the Fall 05 test administration, and passed the test (thereby earning
her required math SOL) and then takes Geometry the following year, she must
take the Geometry SOL during the Fall 06 test administration.
My job is to track each student's SOL results, making sure that every
student tests as required, and to be certain that each student is on track
for graduation. I was appointed this position in February. The tracking
method in place when I started this position was via an Excel spreadsheet,
which is very large and hard to use. I think Access is the key to keeping
track of this data, but I don't know anything about Access and I don't know
where to begin.
I know I will need a Student Table with information as it pertains to each
student: ID#, Last, First, MI, Parent Name, Address, etc. What I don't know
is how best to store the test information. Most students test in more than
one subject area during each test administration (with the exception of
summer). For instance, in the S06 test administration, Jane Doe tested in
Algebra I, Earth Science, and World History I.
From what I can understand, I will need a many-to-many relationship in
place, but I don't know whether to try to group all tests together for each
administration in one big table, or if I should make each test session a
seperate table.
As an end result, I would like to be able to run a report that shows every
test a student has taken along with a test score. And just to throw
something else into the mix, I also need to keep track of classroom grade for
each student for each subject. (If Jane Doe passes her Biology SOL, but
failes the class, she will need to take the Biology class a 2nd time, but
won't test in that subject with the rest of her class.) For a student that
is scheduled to graduate in 2008, that student will have potentially taken
SOL's in S08, F07, SU07, S07, F06, SU06, S06, F05, SU05, S05, F04, SU04, and
I know this is a lot to try to follow. I've been doing this since February
and it still boggles my mind. Any help you can give me would be greatly
Thanks in advance!