Need help relinking moved footage

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I had to move my movie maker files from several projects on multiple
computers mid-project to a single different computer. Now Movie maker won't
allow me to relink the source files unless the files are in the exact file
structure that they were in when initially imported. Is there a way to reset
where the source files are currently with out having to go through and
recreate file structures for each project? I am using version 2.1.4026.0
I would really appreciate some input on this
Hi there....I never did this before so I tried it to check it out. I
imported a short video clip in Movie Maker and saved it as a 'project1'.
Then I went and 'cut' that video and put it into a different folder. When I
restarted Movie Maker and imported the original 'project1' of course it was
not at the correct source location and showed all red x's in the video and
audio lines on the timeline. All I had to do was 'right click' on the video
line and choose 'browse for missing file'. When I did that and found the
new location of the file, it filled in the project as it was originally made.
I think it should work even though you put it on another computer, and as
long as you really do have the project file, and the source files for it on
your computer. Good luck.
Thanks for the help, unfortunately for me I had been doing that for a few of
my projects and all of a sudden it wouldn't allow me to do it anymore. An
alert window popped up and said that the file didn't match the source closely
enough. So I began to look at the properties of each clip, picture and audio
file to find out where Movie maker wanted it to be. It seems that unless I
match the file structure exactly it will not allow me to use the find missing
media function.
Any other thoughts or ideas?
The only thing I can think of is that when I put that file on my external
drive, I got the same message as you did....that it wasn't matching the
source closely enough. So, maybe all have to be on the same Movie
Maker, the source files, and also the project file. My only other thought
would be to rename your file structure to what it had far as folder
and file names. Hopefully someone will provide another answer and come to
the rescue..... anyone? anyone?
Thanks for your help,
Maybe all I need to do is move all the files onto the c-drive and cross my
dickmr.....Out of place here but a little while ago you kindly gave me some
useful info on this Forum.Thanks..not been back earlier because whoever
controls the security password side( I do have a tkt number),will not let me
in!!!Everytime I try to enter the group I am told I am giving wrong
Password,Address or both???Never changed any of it yet.
Filled in yet another "joining form",which I have to do every time!!Maybe
someone can sort it out? Thanks mate for your help
Hi Darcy....hmmm....another challenge! ha ha Let me see if I can splain
this one.
Since it seems you can find your way to the newsgroup itself, I assume you
know the address and know how to find the 'movie maker' group (by finding it
on the left side listings). It isn't necessary to sign in to search, read,
or expand the postings; but anything further and you will need to sign
in....for example, to add your own posting. You are required to use a .Net
Passport to sign in. It verifies who you are, and no one else can pretend
to be you. To sign in originally you click on the 'Sign In' button in the
upper right corner of your browser....if it says 'Sign Out', that means you
are already signed on. Assuming that you don't know about Passport, I'll
explain it .... Net Passport is a free online service of Microsoft... You
register an email address and one password, and use those to sign in wherever
Net Passport is accepted. If you have a Hotmail account or an MSN email
account then you already have a Net Passport. If not, you can register at
the initial sign in page by clicking 'REGISTER'. Once you have a Passport
you don't have to re-register every will likely just ask to fill
out the info such as your password. I have MSN as my homepage, and a
formatted MY MSN, so it signs me in automatically and I don't see all of this
going on .....I just come in and give my two cents once in a while.... ha ha

I don't why your old info doesn't work, but I would just go and open a new
hotmail account if you don't have one, and pick a password to use and you
should be good to go. What you say is a 'joining' form sounds like it may
just be your 'sign in' entries of email and password. Thats normal and you
would input the same each time....if you did formally have hotmail, it is
possible it got deleted from lack of use or something.

Hope you can make sense of this....its late and I just got home from
installing a new computer system for a friend....she got up impatiently and
got all the cables tangled in her feet and ripped half of them out, and
ruined the audio input cable to the woofer!! I had to hold back my laughing
and woofing cuz I thought she was going to cry....but a new cable and a
little fixin and it was good to go. She was smilin' when I left....
good night!