For some reason I'm getting no data populating in my crystal report. I
built my crystal report off my dataset in my project, and I fill the
dataset when opening the main form, and count the records just to make
sure there is data in the dataset, and then open the form containing my
reportviewer control with the crystal report added to it and it still
shows no data when it opens. I built my crystal report off the wizard
when right clicking the report layout and choosing Database expert,
then choosing Project data, ADO.NET datasets, and then the table from
my dataset. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
built my crystal report off my dataset in my project, and I fill the
dataset when opening the main form, and count the records just to make
sure there is data in the dataset, and then open the form containing my
reportviewer control with the crystal report added to it and it still
shows no data when it opens. I built my crystal report off the wizard
when right clicking the report layout and choosing Database expert,
then choosing Project data, ADO.NET datasets, and then the table from
my dataset. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.