need HELP please



having a problem with internet explorer i open it and my homepage is set to and no matter how i change it it constantly goes back there, when i
type in a new page it turns to a blank screen with done at bottom i ran virus
check and it came up with nothing i need help please using friends computer
for now...

direct me where to fix this or how to as i basically have no way to use
internet explorer or go online due to this



This sounds like a adware infection. You can easily remove the program(s)
which may be causing this by reading, and following, the below instructions:

You may first want to remove any third party helper
objects. This is best done by a program called BHOCop. It,
along with the rest of the programs, are freely available.
You can download BHOcop, and view an introduction to it,
from the following sites:

Download from:
Introduction at:,1759,97081,00.asp

Once you download the file, run it, and install the program.
Then remove all objects you find that you are not familiar

We'll now have you download some programs which shall aid
you in the actual removal of spyware programs which may be
running (and causing these problems).

First, download AdAware. This is an excellent program which
detects and deletes spyware, and other malware programs.
AdAware is available from:

After downloading and installing AdAware, *be sure to update
it*. This will ensure you are protected against the latest
threats. Then, run it.

Some versions can be particularly malicious - removing them
can cause you to lose your internet connection. Therefore,
we'll download the next two programs as precautionary
measures. If, after running these programs, you are unable
to connect to the internet, you may need to run these
programs to fix the connection.

They are available here:


Directions for the last program can be found here:

Note: You'll only need to run these programs in the event
that removal of the evil programs causes some good
components to break. Otherwise, you can safely continue:

Next, we'll get CWShredder. This neat program catches
variants which may have been missed by AdAware. CWShredder
is available from:

Once again, be sure to update it to ensure the latest threat

Lastly, you may find it necessary to rename your HOSTS file.
This step is used if you find yourself unable to connect to
specific sites. Instructions can be found here:

The above procedures should help you remove these programs
and return your computer to a functional state.

More information about Adware and Spyware is available here:

Once you are finished, you are encouraged to run a full system scan with your
antivirus product to ensure that you also clean up and virii which may be on
your computer.

Best regards,


: having a problem with internet explorer i open it and my homepage is set to
: and no matter how i change it it constantly goes back there, when i
: type in a new page it turns to a blank screen with done at bottom i ran virus
: check and it came up with nothing i need help please using friends computer
: for now...
: direct me where to fix this or how to as i basically have no way to use
: internet explorer or go online due to this

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

nick said:
having a problem with internet explorer i open it and my homepage is
set to and no matter how i change it it constantly goes
back there, when i type in a new page it turns to a blank screen with
done at bottom i ran virus check and it came up with nothing i need
help please using friends computer for now...

direct me where to fix this or how to as i basically have no way to
use internet explorer or go online due to this

First, if you don't have WinXP SP2, get LSP-Fix - a free program to repair
damaged Winsock 2 stacks
save it because you might need to repair the Winsock 2 stacks after removing
the culprit.
For WinXP SP2 this command will restore the Winsock stacks if you can't
connect after clearing the malware.
Go to Start | Run and type
In the command window type
netsh winsock reset
Then get CWShredder

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

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