Mr. Smith
I have a recordset based on a query that I export to Excel trough this
NB: The array arr_col() is 36 position array holding column letters,
starting with arr_col(1) = a, arr_col(2) = b etc. I totaly mess up trying to
use R-1C-1 etc.
'Writes column headings
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count
objXL.Range(arr_col(i + 1) & "6") = rs.Fields(i).Name 'Starts with
column headings in row 6
Next i
row = 7 'Set first datarow
Do Until rs.EOF 'Write recordset to worksheet
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count
objXL.Range(arr_col(i + 1) & row) = rs(i)
Next i
'objXL.Range("A4").Select 'Show import status directly in Excel
'objXL.Selection = "Imports: " & row - 6 & " of " & rscount
row = row + 1
This is working slooooow (but it works)
Where can I "optimize" this export routine. Is there a "dump/bulk copy"
routine I colud use.....
Any hints appreciated
Kind regards
Mr. Smith.
I have a recordset based on a query that I export to Excel trough this
NB: The array arr_col() is 36 position array holding column letters,
starting with arr_col(1) = a, arr_col(2) = b etc. I totaly mess up trying to
use R-1C-1 etc.
'Writes column headings
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count
objXL.Range(arr_col(i + 1) & "6") = rs.Fields(i).Name 'Starts with
column headings in row 6
Next i
row = 7 'Set first datarow
Do Until rs.EOF 'Write recordset to worksheet
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count
objXL.Range(arr_col(i + 1) & row) = rs(i)
Next i
'objXL.Range("A4").Select 'Show import status directly in Excel
'objXL.Selection = "Imports: " & row - 6 & " of " & rscount
row = row + 1
This is working slooooow (but it works)
Where can I "optimize" this export routine. Is there a "dump/bulk copy"
routine I colud use.....
Any hints appreciated
Kind regards
Mr. Smith.